Awhile back we attended the American Glass Expo (AGE) in Vegas and placed orders with the industries best. One of the booths we came across was Rooted Industries. Rooted Industries is an alliance of glass blowers such as Frankie Hess, Lord Lionsden, Chazz and they also featured some collabs with Eusheen. We looked over the selection, it only took a few seconds to pick out some new gems for our customers. First we got several inline ash catchers all of which have honeycomb disc sections along with matching bowl pieces. We made sure to pick up both sizes 19mm and 14mm. Next we picked up some sick worked jacuzzi perc ash catchers. These have clean worked diffused downstems and a matching bowl piece (also got both 14mm & 19mm). Last but not least we picked up some bubblers. These also have jacuzzi diffused downstems which make for a nice smooth pull. We also picked up several hand pipes and push slides and martini slides, all of which have various worked sections. Having these arrive today was so dope. It brought me back to the trip and reminded me of all the wonderful people we met while at the show.
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