1.So how long have you been blowing glass? My first day on the torch was Halloween of 1998, I was 19 years old. 2.How did you start? After working at an illegal club in Phoenix, AZ I moved to Colorado to start a new life and work at a ski resort. I was early for the season so I got a job at Bj brewing factory as a busser instead and started working my ass off. But, being half Mexican was not in my favor and I kept being denied when trying to move up to a serving position. Thats when I realized that I didn’t want to work under someone else and be limited in what I could do and how much money I could make. I started looking for alternatives to school and the service industry and found out that there was a group of people blowing glass in the city. I put the word out and a kid named "River” linked me up with a shop where I got an apprenticeship and ended up working and living for the next year. After gaining enough experience and knowledge I moved back to Philly where things really started to pop off. 3.Where do you grab inspiration? The streets of Philly, big pharma, the female form, the future and the past. 4.Current torch? Delta mag 5.Favorite style? Modern industrial. 6.Future goals? Opening up a JAG boutique and having quarterly drops of new artwork and merchandise. 7.Work alone or with a group? Group 8.Any particular artist you work with? Slinger and the Philly crew 9.Who would you like to work with? Buck, Chris Carlson and Kurt B 10.How has the industry changed? Its changed for the better; there actually is an industry now that can support the glassblowing lifestyle. I used to rely on selling my glass at concert lots and now we have websites, retailers, and social media to help market and sling our art. 11.Concentrate or flower? flower power 12.Any pets? no 13.Favorite beer, liquor? IPA 14.Favorite convention, venue? CHAMPS VEGAS BABY! 15.Favorite place to travel? Over seas. 16.Favorite food? All asian all day. I grew up eating in China town in Philly. 17.Favorite movie? Idiocracy. People need to start thinking again. 18.If not a glass artist, what? Lego sculptor. I also dabble in photography and have always wanted to be a painter, its so romantic. 19.Favorite music or artist? Mainstream hip hop … I like it super dumb and ignorant, I don't wanna think while I’m on the torch. 20.Any generation to be born? 60's, 70's, 80's…? I like my life so I'm content with being born in 79. 21.Where do you relax? Islands and a nice couch. 22.Go back 5 years, what would you do? the same damn thing 23.Typical day? Coffee, joint, email, get turnt up at the shop, eat, drink, sleep, repeat. 24.When you're not working, what? Traveling, but I’m always working, being an artist is a lifestyle not a job. 25.Next project? I just got done collaborating with G-pen but I always want to create more and expand my brand. 26.Perks of being an artist? Free weed, booze, and sometimes getting lucky with the ladies. 27.Celebrity crush? penelope cruz 28.Favorite colors to work with?black and white 29.Turn on's, turn off's? on: Thinker,independent,well kept, a girl thats keeps her room and bathroom clean, has goals, drinks just enough to get loose. off: smoker, uses phone while out to eat, too many selflies, drinks to much, always complains about life but does nothing to change it. stage 5 clinger. 30.What kind of phone do you have? iphone 5 Follow JAG on Facebook and Instagram. Check out out current inventory of JAG in stock and stay tuned for the Just Another G-Pen dropping online this month. -----> SHOP KULTURE
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